Here’s a brilliant traineeship opportunity for young people!
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust and Hampshire Hospitals NHS NHS Foundation Trust have teamed up with Eastleigh College to offer roles in several of their departments in the hospitals to enable young people to learn about customer service within the NHS.
The course starts 13 Feb, where you will be at college learning customer service. The work placements run 27 March to 28 April, where you’ll be on placement in the NHS on Tues/Weds/Thurs for five weeks.
You will be given:
âž¡ Training to prepare you for work, including CV writing and what to expect in the workplace
âž¡Support to improve your English, maths and digital skills if needed
âž¡Sector-focused vocational learning to help prepare you for your apprenticeship or job and recognition of your learning
âž¡A high-quality work placement of at least 70 hours
âž¡An interview for an apprenticeship or job if available, or an exit interview with written feedback
Programmes can be tailored to meet your needs and prepare you for what local businesses are looking for. A traineeship is a training programme and isn’t a job. If you are eligible, you can maintain your entitlement to benefits whilst on a traineeship as necessary.
Along with recognition of your learning, there will be support to link you with job opportunities.
Find out more here: Traineeship in Customer Service for NHS · Eastleigh College