Alternative Provision – SEND and PRU settings
The NHS 350+ Programme supports learners in discovering future career routes available within the NHS. It also dispels the myth that all roles involve a ‘hands-on’ medical/care element. The NHS is the UK’s largest employer, with its clinical staff providing diagnoses and treatment at its core. There are, however, a vast team of non-clinical staff who play vital roles in supporting, educating and developing what the NHS can offer.
The NHS 350+ Programme is fully funded and works with each Educational Provider on an individual basis. Our Education Outreach Leads are qualified teachers with many decades of experience between them. They will be fully aware of the latest Government and Department for Education guidance, Ofsted foci and educational trends. We also understand that each school will have its own priorities and challenges and we will work with School Leaders to personalise our offer and ensure our programme adds value to your school’s Careers and Enrichment programmes. The 350+ team aim to meet the majority of Gatsby Benchmarks within our sessions. By working closely with each school to adapt or create bespoke sessions, we aim to also meet Benchmark 1, revisiting regularly to form part of your ‘stable careers programme’.
The NHS is an inclusive employer; one who embraces diversity and celebrates individuality, therefore the 350+ NHS Careers Programme echoes this. Evidence shows that students in these types of educational setting will struggle to enter the world of work and are at higher risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) at 16 years-old.
Since 2021, we have successfully run a variety of our sessions within MLD Schools, specialist SEND provision, Pupil Referral Units, and mainstream behaviour suites. Our experienced Education Outreach Leads will work closely with your setting to adjust our offer to suit your Learners. The aim of this programme is to inspire all students and make them feel they have a fulfilling, bright, secure future ahead.
Our usual session format consists of an in-person visit from one of our team and (depending on session selected) an NHS colleague to support the content being delivered in a classroom setting.
Supported Internships
Supported internships offer 16-24 year olds with a learning difficulty, disability or autism, an opportunity to build their skills and confidence to go into paid work. Supported internships are a way of encouraging participation among this group who are often disproportionately excluded in society.